Thursday, January 6, 2011

Best Business Casual To Wear Busty


I miss.
I want to see.
I want to sit next to her and lean on his shoulder, I want you to be my support.
I prepare breakfast and coffee, I want you to make me bread.
I want to go and get her to come and take me. Grocery shopping with her. Wander aimlessly. Talk to her
our stories and shake our hands because we're geniuses. Her the scratch card as if it were a wolf. Genoa
I want is his and that is my Oristano. Sing with her at the bottom of the last bus.
Crying like a desperate on her bed with her cat that rises on the legs.
I want you to smile more, and has more reasons to do so.
protect, and teach those who are left behind that is lost more than they will ever understand.
I want to write. Because she pulsates in every word, and I sometimes leaves an impression for days. Months.
I want to be able to see more often. They can hold your hand. Listen.
I want you to hold my, hand.
I hate all this water in our midst.
And all that stands, even when the sea through it.
I miss so much.
I can not do anything. And
'my sister. It 's the sister who did not give me the blood, but all the rest.
And I can not tell you how much you love her.


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