Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Build A Film Set

Post did not want to do, but I expect it to dry the glaze. Randomize

It is said that the end is usually also a beginning. In some ways this
is certainly true-and this could start a list of good intentions. Not find them particularly useful. This is to make decisions that could be taken during the year, but has not had the courage or the time or the strength to do so. And if every year at the end, he always exactly the same basis, if not the same dynamics, what should change? However
. We pretend not to think so.
Resolutions for 2011.
Weight Loss. And the thing is slow or fast, just that it is functional. I have no time or way no means neither wants to join the gym-but deep enough to lose a pound a month. With a sensible diet you can think of doing. Ergo: eat less, but also eat better. Reduce the amount of sugar, coffee, even if, however, I have to do as my intolerance is getting worse ...
Finish exams. not be able to graduate in December, as I wanted, because I would not have time to write a decent argument, but at least I would like to finish his exams. I can do? There are several rather large and ... But let's head to do so.
get out more. To be honest I miss my friends, but I always end up not doing so. Their patience, however, is something cosmic.
find a way to get a room in Genoa . Here no longer want to stay in the hermitage. Crazy.
be a little better.
E. .. Write . Write. Write.

Good things in 2010.
After attaching the screen for hours without being able to find ... Some people
. By Elena Sammy Alice Sylvia. Each in its own way, but they gave me so much, in many ways and in many moments [then kiss to [info] witch81 and [info] sammael_belial . And many others do now. Only because you're not here does not mean that you will not send.]
The world has widened a little.
Having discovered the music, really. Not that the first did not know it and not loved, but love is different now. A different understanding-and I am grateful to prof. Raffaele Mellace for this. Really, thank you.
OT, [info] orpherica_tetra . What has occupied every corner of my time and my mind by the end of December last year, and that taught me so much, very much. About me, about my ability to express myself, but above all to hear. He made a creature of the senses, and I will not be grateful enough. For ulcers and tears and laughter. The sweat and blood. The obligation to give more. And love.
have found my platonic soul mate in this life when we are both heterosexual and gay men, and we want to be [but not to be together XD] but, in fact. I love you. My Lupetta. And here we salute [info] antichrist_010 because we are. Apart from the rest.

There are certainly others, but ...

Things are not good, rather bad, very bad indeed, in 2010.
In fact, everything that does not fall into the category above. As the year began on average looked good, really, but ... things began to collapse. For me, summer is always a time of crisis, and it has not improved. Fall and winter have been atrocious. And I'm tired, really tired of being sick. And I'm tired of me, because so often disappoint people I care and show my worst side without a reason. Or that there are no sides, sides that are gone and there are a mess-I. But really.
I might add that this year will close with my health is definitely going to hell. In 2010 there are two hernias, ten pounds heavier, the recovery of my endocrinological problems, three of those pretty tough influences, and an endless series of headaches. As well as a breakdown runaway. Wonderful.
And then there are disappointments. There the ones that we all constantly, eh. But sometimes they are so unexpected to do even more harm. Why could not you just expect that some people that you've made four, so you gave without delay and time secrets and precious thoughts in your life, behave in certain ways. To force that then goes to the end. However

. No, end of useless post.
Happy New Year to all.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Watch Los Hombres De Paco From The Start

lost time.

STEP ONE - Write a post (the public, friend-Lokki, filtered ... as you please!) to your LJ. In the post, make a list of 10 wishes for the holidays. The wishes can be of any type: from simple things about the fandom (eg.: "I'd like a fic Dobby / Hagrid") to the most challenging things ("I want the DVD of BSG") until you want really meaningful ("I'd like a new car / computer / tv / home / Damon naked in my bed") The important thing is that these wishes are 10 things you want very, very much.
- If you want things to "real life" (ie not ff or icons etc), remember to add a post your account, whether your own or an email address with which Santa Claus (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.
- Also, post these instructions in your LJ, so you can spread the Christmas joy.


- More LJ (friends, friends of friends or random) to see who has posted the list.
And now comes the important part:
- If you see a wish you can grant, and you enjoy it, realize the desire for someone. Sometimes our trash is a treasure for someone else, and if you do not want something or do not use or even know-how and where someone could realize his desire- do it.
- You do not have to spend money, unless you want it. The purpose of this meme is not to create problems for people ("ommioddio, as I do, I soldiii!") But to be the "elf" to someone, to spread the Christmas cheer. Gifts can be anonymous or not, the decision is yours.
- There are no rules in this meme, there are no guarantees, and there are clauses ... just one wish, and it could come true. Give, and you may receive. And the joy of knowing that you have made the holidays special for someone.


Okay, just because I do not really to study * cries *....

1. A fanfiction OT. What then would die to read it, but I'd like to see it. Or something like test, fanart or something like that. To see how they are viewed, here. Sure, I wish it were done by someone that the people understood them enough ... ^ ^ "
2. A box with the DVDs of performances of works. Possibly Verdi, Monteverdi, Gluck, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Bizet and Mozart.
3. So many things written by [info] witch81 and we both know what topics.
4. Understand something about "The Gates" because I saw it once and I did not understand a damn dry O__O
5. ........... Someone to pay me the books, because I do not know how.
6. Laurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurea.
7. A room in Genoa. Even small and ugly,
8. The end of this period asocial and segregated.
9. Twenty pounds less.
10. A touch of serenity. So

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Feeling Of Bruised Brain

Happy Birthday ^ __ ^ Volpino

E 'quite difficult question. Because today is the birthday of Chris, at least in my head and in my head my birthday that day, and is necessarily a Sagittarius, that adorable little fox. For the sake of plot, however, the suo compleanno è dovuto cadere ai primi di gennaio -e del capricorno non ha niente, il mio batuffolo biondo, però gli ho appioppato un ascendente sagittario con i fiocchi.
Comunque. Sì, cioè, chi se ne frega, immagino XD
Ma io gli auguri al mio piccolo voglio farli lo stesso. Voglio fare gli auguri alla sua forza incredibile in OT, e alla sua immensa fragilità in OA. Alla sua infinità capacità di amare, ed amare molto più di quanto chiunque altro sia capace di fare. Dando anche più di quello che ha, e con tutto il cuore e tutta la fedeltà del mondo.


And as his stomach, everything for him

You may not know, but it's pretty much like jumping in the dance of love Snoopy * roll * Oh, the I love it!
do not have much time today, but tomorrow I'll make a post [of no use] on the party who are organizing the boys I \u0026lt;3

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Amethyst Geodes For Sale Private Sale

When you have too much time to waste.

This is something profoundly useless that I wrote a few days ago.
This is the character of the OT, of course.

What do you want to be?
[question about six years].


-grow up I want to do that job photos.
-The photographer?
No, no, I want to take pictures. Those who always smiles in photos, you know.
-type ones on television. Then there are the newspapers. On the milk carton.
Ah, but those commercials are actors!
Yes. Act.
-Ah. So grow up I want to play. Want to
- the actor.
Yes. Always smile. If you smile it means that you are happy. And I grow up I want to be happy! Oh, that's what I want to be great! The happy person!

-great? Mh. I want to do a job that others do what I say. As the military-
-No! The military is dirty!
-There are many professions where you can give orders.
-Well, but I want you to be a force in which they must obey. And I can treat them badly.
"If you treat them too bad you can go to jail.
-I do not want to go to jail. Why should I go to jail?
-Because if you treat someone so bad it's against the law.
Ah, then I make the laws myself. How do you call those who make the laws?
-Politicians. If I
-politician, I can make a law that does not make me go to jail if someone treated you badly?
-Well, more or less ...
-Okay. So I'm a politician.

-great? I do not know.
-There 's something you like?
-Music. And the white walls.
-Do you like white walls?
-I do not like that blue. Grow up I want to remove the blue from the walls. Who does it?
-Anyone can do it. But
-working, who does?
grow up I want to do-the painter.

-Boh. I do not want to stay here, grow up.
-Here, in the sense of Paris?
-Here, in the sense of the world. Of land. The earth is stupid. It's cool. And there are the dead below.
-Under the earth?
-Eh. Non-
are everywhere, you know. They're only in cemeteries. This
-you say so.
-So you do not want to stay on earth?
-No. I want to be in heaven. Want to
-What 's an astronaut?
-are men who are in heaven, far away. E-
we going to do?
-walk on the moon. Among the stars.
-What a strange idea.
-Does it seem good?
-No. I do not want the astronaut.
-I want to do the star.

-grow up I want to be a painter.
-Why I like it. There is a reason in the things that you like.
-Usually, yes.
-Normally, therefore, not always.
-You do not have it?
-No. It's boring to have a reason for everything. It takes away the fun things.
-Do you like good, then. The beauty
-like at all.

-I want to do something where you use your head.
-In what sense?
-In the sense of the brain. Intelligence.
-Why everyone says I'm beautiful. I'll be nice and I have to make the model.
-You do not want to make the model?
-No. Good ones are stupid. I'm not stupid. Not all beautiful-
are stupid, you know.
"But if you see a beautiful you think it's stupid. I do not want people to think it.
-You should not care what people think.
-I do not care.
-So what's the problem?
-What if they think you're stupid, do not listen.
-You want to make you listen?
Yes. I want people to listen to me. Although I have nothing to say.