Friday, December 17, 2010

Watch Los Hombres De Paco From The Start

lost time.

STEP ONE - Write a post (the public, friend-Lokki, filtered ... as you please!) to your LJ. In the post, make a list of 10 wishes for the holidays. The wishes can be of any type: from simple things about the fandom (eg.: "I'd like a fic Dobby / Hagrid") to the most challenging things ("I want the DVD of BSG") until you want really meaningful ("I'd like a new car / computer / tv / home / Damon naked in my bed") The important thing is that these wishes are 10 things you want very, very much.
- If you want things to "real life" (ie not ff or icons etc), remember to add a post your account, whether your own or an email address with which Santa Claus (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.
- Also, post these instructions in your LJ, so you can spread the Christmas joy.


- More LJ (friends, friends of friends or random) to see who has posted the list.
And now comes the important part:
- If you see a wish you can grant, and you enjoy it, realize the desire for someone. Sometimes our trash is a treasure for someone else, and if you do not want something or do not use or even know-how and where someone could realize his desire- do it.
- You do not have to spend money, unless you want it. The purpose of this meme is not to create problems for people ("ommioddio, as I do, I soldiii!") But to be the "elf" to someone, to spread the Christmas cheer. Gifts can be anonymous or not, the decision is yours.
- There are no rules in this meme, there are no guarantees, and there are clauses ... just one wish, and it could come true. Give, and you may receive. And the joy of knowing that you have made the holidays special for someone.


Okay, just because I do not really to study * cries *....

1. A fanfiction OT. What then would die to read it, but I'd like to see it. Or something like test, fanart or something like that. To see how they are viewed, here. Sure, I wish it were done by someone that the people understood them enough ... ^ ^ "
2. A box with the DVDs of performances of works. Possibly Verdi, Monteverdi, Gluck, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Bizet and Mozart.
3. So many things written by [info] witch81 and we both know what topics.
4. Understand something about "The Gates" because I saw it once and I did not understand a damn dry O__O
5. ........... Someone to pay me the books, because I do not know how.
6. Laurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurealaurea.
7. A room in Genoa. Even small and ugly,
8. The end of this period asocial and segregated.
9. Twenty pounds less.
10. A touch of serenity. So


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