Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Build A Film Set

Post did not want to do, but I expect it to dry the glaze. Randomize

It is said that the end is usually also a beginning. In some ways this
is certainly true-and this could start a list of good intentions. Not find them particularly useful. This is to make decisions that could be taken during the year, but has not had the courage or the time or the strength to do so. And if every year at the end, he always exactly the same basis, if not the same dynamics, what should change? However
. We pretend not to think so.
Resolutions for 2011.
Weight Loss. And the thing is slow or fast, just that it is functional. I have no time or way no means neither wants to join the gym-but deep enough to lose a pound a month. With a sensible diet you can think of doing. Ergo: eat less, but also eat better. Reduce the amount of sugar, coffee, even if, however, I have to do as my intolerance is getting worse ...
Finish exams. not be able to graduate in December, as I wanted, because I would not have time to write a decent argument, but at least I would like to finish his exams. I can do? There are several rather large and ... But let's head to do so.
get out more. To be honest I miss my friends, but I always end up not doing so. Their patience, however, is something cosmic.
find a way to get a room in Genoa . Here no longer want to stay in the hermitage. Crazy.
be a little better.
E. .. Write . Write. Write.

Good things in 2010.
After attaching the screen for hours without being able to find ... Some people
. By Elena Sammy Alice Sylvia. Each in its own way, but they gave me so much, in many ways and in many moments [then kiss to [info] witch81 and [info] sammael_belial . And many others do now. Only because you're not here does not mean that you will not send.]
The world has widened a little.
Having discovered the music, really. Not that the first did not know it and not loved, but love is different now. A different understanding-and I am grateful to prof. Raffaele Mellace for this. Really, thank you.
OT, [info] orpherica_tetra . What has occupied every corner of my time and my mind by the end of December last year, and that taught me so much, very much. About me, about my ability to express myself, but above all to hear. He made a creature of the senses, and I will not be grateful enough. For ulcers and tears and laughter. The sweat and blood. The obligation to give more. And love.
have found my platonic soul mate in this life when we are both heterosexual and gay men, and we want to be [but not to be together XD] but, in fact. I love you. My Lupetta. And here we salute [info] antichrist_010 because we are. Apart from the rest.

There are certainly others, but ...

Things are not good, rather bad, very bad indeed, in 2010.
In fact, everything that does not fall into the category above. As the year began on average looked good, really, but ... things began to collapse. For me, summer is always a time of crisis, and it has not improved. Fall and winter have been atrocious. And I'm tired, really tired of being sick. And I'm tired of me, because so often disappoint people I care and show my worst side without a reason. Or that there are no sides, sides that are gone and there are a mess-I. But really.
I might add that this year will close with my health is definitely going to hell. In 2010 there are two hernias, ten pounds heavier, the recovery of my endocrinological problems, three of those pretty tough influences, and an endless series of headaches. As well as a breakdown runaway. Wonderful.
And then there are disappointments. There the ones that we all constantly, eh. But sometimes they are so unexpected to do even more harm. Why could not you just expect that some people that you've made four, so you gave without delay and time secrets and precious thoughts in your life, behave in certain ways. To force that then goes to the end. However

. No, end of useless post.
Happy New Year to all.


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