Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Notorious Jewel De'nyle

People & Love.

Non scrivo qui da un pezzo.
Forse non ho niente da dire -o forse, come sempre mi capita, ho troppo da dire e la congenita incapacità di farlo. Non mi riferisco ai mezzi. Mi riferisco proprio al fatto che i miei pensieri sono spesso del genere che potrebbe spaventare/adirare qualcuno. Forse il mio modo di vedere le cose è davvero troppo strano. Forse la vera voce fuori dal coro non sono io, ma è la mia testa.
Forse non dovrei usare questa pagina come un diario del cazzo.
Di recente ho pianto. A singhiozzi, proprio, su un mezzo pubblico, con una famigliola felice che mi guardava come se trovasse riprovevole il mio spezzare il loro idillio da Mulino Bianco. Ho pianto perchè gone someone who has become a part of me, or maybe it always has been. When I went to pick her up at the airport, I was anxious. I was wondering what the hell we talked about, and how many there would have been embarrassing silences in 5 days. Not one. Not that there were no silences. But those silences were comfortable only with people you know have a life, and often not with them. Strange. Five days with him the feeling that you were here forever. Having already met and lived. It 'was the strangest find myself without her, we find her sleeping in my bed.
In sheets with cats and Labrador ^ ^
Shoot shit dignity and healthy with a white handkerchief every time he touched me. I hugged and I melt like an idiot, maybe because nobody hold me over for the simple desire to do so, for too long.
I believe in the walls. I believe in human need to have all too human.
And I think there are people who can knock them down.
Just as I think there are other people, you'll read here, can do it with me. And they will. This time it happened to her, with that nose by wren and fingers icy, and that beautiful smile. E 'come to the airport and hugged me, and that's it. Ditto me. And I brought
everywhere, and I cried when shared. Away from her, let me see. In
Volabus, and then home, in the empty room and messy XD-
Recalling the tide of crap shoot, the moments maniacs. Endless discussions about characters-my, his, ours, of others.
dreams and aspirations.
The pillow-as my XD Sometimes he deserved UU
The three hundred and twelve coffee a day-coffee = magic word.
and the need to load it stupid of gifts and presents semi-serious.
The plush wolf and the squirrel looking at me from the shelf, as if to say, and what happened to her?
you are in Sardinia. At his home. Although I wish it was here ^ ^ "

Sometimes people talk to you. We are confident. They tell you things that would upset me, but do not. They do not change for you, but perhaps you change them for a while. Do you know more. Too much, perhaps. Yet somehow everything remains the same.
love them the same way. Increases the desire to protect them from this evil world, knowing that I will not let him. Why are stubborn animals UU
So you find a book of "The Little Prince", with illustrations and quotations, and think I'll take it. The like.
But you know you can not send him to never-never let them have.
But then, so it's good enough. Are not oggetti, certe volte.
Basta che le persone continuino a rotolare. E sappiano che alla fine della rotolata -e della fuga, qualche volta- tu sarai lì.

Poi, ci sono le persone che hai ferito.
Inconsciamente, e senza nessuna intenzione di farlo. Persone che perdono fiducia in te -che si sentono tradite.
Ne sto pensando due. Persone infinitamente preziose, che sento allontanarsi.
E ho paura di dire o fare qualcosa, perchè non so quali tasti toccare.
Perchè si sono sentiti messi da parte, forse, anche se io non l'ho fatto per niente.
Sono solo la solita idiota terribilmente distratta. Impulsiva. Casinista, che non pensa abbastanza prima di agire thinks too much and then having acted. I would say to these people-to S. and D. - I'm still the same, that my love has not changed, nor my dedication. I'm just hurt, and D. should know better than anyone else. But he will probably never read this post. And I would so willingly embrace
S. But so much.

Yes, I have become saccharine.
The post is long.
Forgive me ^ ^ "


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